Posted on 11/15/2017

If you own a car, you should be able to perform simple maintenance on it, or at least know how to. If you chose to pay someone to do the routine maintenance for convenience sake, you should still have a general idea about how your car operates and what you need to do to keep it working better than well. #1 Operate Your Vehicle You should know what all the buttons and levers and knobs and switches do in your vehicle. You may not know how to take apart your transmission or even how to change your oil, but you should be familiar with the basics. You should be able to answer basic questions such as make, model, and edition; what wheel-drive it is; what the safety features are; where your oil, transmission, and other fluids -such as power steering- are and how to check their levels; and what kind of gas fuels your car. It is your car, you should know it intimately to be a sa ... read more