Posted on 3/23/2025
A driver of a large SUV loaded with equipment was heading on a 7-hour work trip when he stopped at a gas station to refuel. When he went to restart his SUV, it turned over but wouldn't catch. Try as he might, he was never able to get it started again. Of course there are many things that can cause those symptoms, but the next day he had his SUV towed to a service repair facility. Using their test equipment, they were able to pinpoint the problem. His fuel pump had failed. The pump, which was located in the fuel tank, had to be replaced, and after awhile he was back on the road, delayed, but happy to be up and running again. What had happened is that the pump was not strong enough to deliver adequate fuel to his engine, vital to being able to start it. It had delivered just enough pressure in the morning to get it started the first time, but it was on its last legs. He had been having trouble starting his SUV in the days leadin ... read more
Posted on 3/16/2025
You expect your heater/air conditioner to work like it should. You have a control for temperature and one for fan speed. You even have a control for what vents the air comes out of. Don't be surprised one day if your blower fan develops a mind of its own and starts going crazy. Most of the time, you may find that it starts blowing at full speed, and nothing you do to try to control it does any good. This is what may be happening. Your blower motor has an electronic component called a resistor. It does what its name says; it offers resistance. When you want the fan to run more slowly, you turn the fan speed down. That resistor accomplishes that by turning its resistance up. When the resistor fails, the power has nothing to slow it and the fan speeds up. It's a small part and can fail due to age or corrosion. It's usually not an expensive part, either, but it's often found in a location that's not that easy for the technic ... read more
Posted on 3/9/2025
If your vehicle had something in its design or production that the manufacturer had figured out had an unanticipated problem, you'd want to know about it. And you'd want it fixed. There is something that can help drivers with just such a scenario. It's called a Technical Service Bulletin, or TSB. Here's what a TSB is. Vehicle design and manufacturing is a very complex process. Aftrer every vehicle is introduced, the more units there are on the road, the more likely weaknesses in parts or design will start to show up. Automakers gather data on the issues and how best to fix them. Then they send out TSBs (usually in the first year of the new model) so technicians will know to look for those problems and what to do about them. There may be more than one cause of a problem with a vehicle so there may be more than one TSB for an issue. A TSB can be issued for anything from failing water pumps to strange noises to smelly headliners. A TSB and a recall aren't the same thing. A recall is issue ... read more
Posted on 3/2/2025
When you head to the doctor, you probably have it in your mind what you're going to say about why you don't feel good. That way your doctor can use that information to diagnose your problem. You might want to think of that same approach when you take your vehicle in for a repair. Experts say what will help the service advisor most is for you to bring in some well-organized descriptions about your vehicle's issues. You might even want to write them down so you don't forget. Is there an unusual smell? What does it smell like? Does the problem happen first thing after starting out? If there's an odd sound you hear, is it dependent on speed? Does it change when you turn a corner? Keep your expectations realistic. Some conditions may take a long time to diagnose and repair. If you go thinking you'll be in and out in no time, you might be disappointed when you're told there are other customers ahead of you and you may have to come b ... read more
Posted on 2/23/2025
When you hear hissing sounds coming from your vehicle, you might start thinking the worst. One type of hissing coming from around your air conditioner may be a normal sound, or it could be a sign of serious trouble. First - the normal sound. When you turn off your vehicle, the refrigerant goes from its high-pressure side to the low-pressure side. Some of those noises are normal. But when it hisses all the time, that's another story. One cause could be that the refrigerant is leaking. Air conditioners are fairly complex systems that involve various pumps, hoses, valves and motors. When your air conditioner is cooling, the refrigerant changes from a gas to a liquid and back. That refrigerant is under pressure, and there are many places it can leak from. A hissing sound can also be a failed valve in your air conditioner's compressor. It is what controls the refrigerant's pressurization. It's important to have this fixed fairly qu ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2025
Many of us have become aware of how important it is to keep our planet’s air clean, and your vehicle has a key component that helps do just that: the catalytic converter. It’s in the exhaust system, and its job is to superheat unburned, harmful byproducts in the exhaust, so they don’t get spewed out into the atmosphere. There’s another important purpose the catalytic converter has: it improves your vehicle’s efficiency. Most of us don’t give the catalytic converter much thought until it breaks or someone steals yours, something that’s been happening much more frequently in recent years. The reason people steal them is that catalytic converters use precious metals such as platinum, palladium, and rhodium to do their job. So, they contain valuable materials thieves can sell. The most likely reason you will have to replace your catalytic converter is age. The more distance your vehicle travels and the more hours your engine ... read more
Posted on 2/9/2025
If you notice that your headlights are flickering at night, that's something to pay attention to. While there could be many different things that could cause that problem, one possibility is your vehicle's alternator. The alternator takes mechanical energy from the engine and turns it into electricity, in essence a generator. The current it makes charges the battery and supplies power to the vehicle's electrical systems. An alternator is made up of several different parts: a pulley, magnets, coil wires, brushes and a voltage regulator. While your vehicle is running, these parts get a good workout and, after time, they begin to wear out. Other symptoms of a failing alternator include your vehicle's lights dimming, the power windows going up and down more slowly than they used to, your power seats not moving quite as fast as before. Another sign of a worn out alternator is engine stalling. Vehicles with fuel injection require a certain amount of power, and w ... read more
Posted on 2/2/2025
Of the things you think about most, your tires are probably pretty far down the list. That’s understandable because today’s tires are engineered to do their job without needing you to pay too much attention to them. But they DO wear out, and worn tires can contribute to skidding in bad weather, not being able to stop, a ride full of uncomfortable vibrations and, even a sudden blowout. Yikes. Let’s figure out right now how to know if your tires need replacing! Let’s face it. Most of us don’t know the first thing about tires. So, the best way to make sure what shape yours are in is to take your vehicle to a qualified service facility to have the tires checked out by a trained technician. Here are things they’ll check: Tread. Tread is the part of the tire that touches the road surface. Different tires have different tread patterns and something called tread blocks - the raised rubber parts that contact the road. The longer a tire has ... read more
Posted on 1/26/2025
Can you think of anyone who likes getting a flat tire? Of course not. But when one of your tires winds up with a flat or leak, whether it be from things like hitting a curb, running over a nail or picking up a sharp stone, it's time to have someone who knows what they're doing take care of it. If you're thinking you'd like to avoid having to buy a new tire, you wonder if a patch or plug will suffice. It depends where the puncture is and how big the hole is. Most tire experts will say if the hole in the tire is less than ¼ of an inch or 6 mm, a patch can work. But a patch likely won't work if the compromised part of the tire is on its shoulder or sidewall. Here's why. The shoulder of a tire is the part between the sidewall and tread and it's usually rounded. It's under a lot of pressure, more than even the sidewalls. And because of that curved shape, it's hard to get a patch or plug to hold. The sidewall is the side of the tire. Sid ... read more
Posted on 1/19/2025
When you head down a straight road, does your vehicle pull to one side? Do you feel vibration in any of the wheels? If you've noticed any of these things, it's probably time for you to get your wheel alignment checked. When your vehicle left the factory, its wheels were parallel to each other and perpendicular to the ground. That maximizes traction for good steering and braking. Every time you take your vehicle on the road, normal wear and tear will affect your alignment. Hit a bump, a pothole or a curb and all those little knocks will add up Bad alignment not only can cause your steering wheel to pull unevenly, it can also wear your tires out a lot faster than they should. In fact, if you look at your tires and see one side of the tread is a lot smoother than the other, it could be another sign of bad alignment. Since different problems can cause similar symptoms, the first thing our trained technician will do is test drive your vehicle. Then, they'll check the front end a ... read more