Posted on 4/23/2021
When you're driving down the road and your car starts to bounce, it's probably time for new shocks or struts. But what are they? This blog post will explain why shocks and struts are important, as well as some helpful tips on how to maintain them so that you can continue to get the most out of your vehicle. What are Shocks and Struts? Shocks and struts are parts of the suspension system that help maintain a car's ride height and provide a smooth ride. They reduce the impact shock on your vehicle caused by driving over bumps in the road, or potholes. The shocks and struts are responsible for maintaining the relationship between the wheels and the chassis as it reacts with the steering system to control the vehicle's movement. You control your car's direction using the steering wheel, gear, and other steering components. The suspension system helps to help maintain vehicle stability by buffering the impact of the irregularities and by absorbing ene ... read more